Infants needed for a zoom lab with PT students

By Kellie Mooney, February 2, 2023

Join the fun!  Babies and toddlers ages newborn to 1 year (12 months) are needed for lab sessions in the physical therapy (PT) course ‘Motor Development through the Lifespan’.

Please consider joining us for a zoom session with your baby for one or more fun sessions with graduate Physical Therapy students who plan to observe and test different aspects of your baby’s motor development.

You as legal guardian are required to be with your baby during the entire zoom session. The zoom sessions are supervised by 2 Pediatric PT instructors.
The three 1-hour Baby labs are scheduled for Monday, February 27th   at 10:15-11:15; 1:15- 2:15; and 3:30-4:30.   You may choose to participate in one, two, or all three lab sessions held on the same day with three different groups of students.

If you are interested and/or would like more information, please contact us:

Kimber Kurr PT, DPT, PCS
Assistant Professor
Department of Physical Therapy