You don't have to do this ALONE!

By Yolanda Clarke, February 5, 2023

We will be your PARTNERS on the journey to SUCCESS!!

Are you ready to make the smartest move you'll make this semester?

urgent message about student success

Tutoring and Academic Enrichment Services

We are now in the third week of classes.  Things are slightly more challenging than you thought they would be.  You thought you could do this alone, but now you are thinking that support is ok! 

You now understand that getting help is not a sign of weakness!  Getting support is a sign of STRENGTH!!  Seeking assistance is a key indicator of GROWTH!!

Our peer educators are here to assist you with coursework, study skills, time management and more!  They are here to help you learn how to make friends, find resources on campus, or they can help you find ways to get involved!  Go to our website and request their support today at