ACCT 225 & 226, Biology 119, and CHEM 112, 121, 122, 221, 222...

By Yolanda Clarke, February 7, 2023


Tutoring and Academic Enrichment Services

sign up for Learning Coaches

We are here to help you!

You may be doing fine now, but you have not had a mid-term exam!  You feel like you're doing "okay" but not great.  You don't want to acknowledge that the snowball is's getting bigger and bigger.....and....

Getting help is SO EASY!  It's EASY PEASY!  You can sign up directly on our website!  

Go to

Click!  Click!  Click!  Boom!  Your request is in!  

As of today, February 8th, we can get you matched RIGHT AWAY for the courses shown.