Marella Feltrin-Morris (World Languages, Literatures and Cultures) publishes translation of a short story by Luigi Pirandello

By Penny Bogardus, February 7, 2023

Marella Feltrin-Morris (World Languages, Literatures and Cultures) has published an English translation of "Tu ridi" ("You Laugh," 1912), a short story by Luigi Pirandello, (1867-1936), in Stories for a Year, eds. Lisa Sarti and Michael Subialka, Digital

Though plagued by numerous misfortunes, including a sickly, jealous wife and the care of five granddaughters, Signor Anselmo inexplicably laughs in his sleep. When he finally remembers the recurring dream that causes him so much uncontrollable mirth, he sadly realizes it is merely an idiotic, grotesque one and concludes that foolishness is the only way for him to cope with his joyless existence. 

To date, nineteen of Feltrin-Morris's translations of Luigi Pirandello's short stories have appeared in the Stories for a Year Digital Edition:  

Tu ridi: 

L'illustre estinto:http://  

La toccatina:  

L'avemaria di Bobbio:  

Notte:  Lontano: 


La fede:  

Mondo di carta:  

Il sonno del vecchio:  

Alla zappa!  

Il bottone della palandrana:  

Dal naso al cielo:  

Donna Mimma:  

In corpore vili:  

Leviamoci questo pensiero:  


C'è qualcuno che ride:  

La ricca:  

Stefano Giogli, uno e due: