By Stephen Tropiano, February 9, 2023

The Park School Faculty Writing Awards recognize exceptional scholarly, journalistic, and creative writing by Park School faculty.

The Park School Faculty Writing Awards recognize exceptional scholarly, journalistic, and creative writing by Park School faculty.  A panel of Park School faculty will judge entries and award a $500 prize for each of the following four categories:

1.  A published book

2.  A published essay in a scholarly journal

3.  Journalism, including articles published on the web, a blog, etc.

4.  Creative work, such as a film or television script (produced or non-produced)

Faculty are welcomed to submit published or completed between February 1, 2022-January 31, 2023, that has not been previously submitted for a Park School Faculty Writing Award.  A faculty member may submit work in more than one category.

To self-nominate your work, please submit the following as a .pdf to parkwritingawards@gmail.com:

1)  One copy of the book, essay, article, or script. 

     If a .pdf of your book is not available, please notify Stephen Tropiano by email at   

    parkwritingawards@gmail.com to make other arrangements.

2)  A single-spaced, one-page statement consisting of the following:   

     a.  An explanation of the significance of the work in regards to the following (as applicable): 

          the publisher of the work, the publication(s) in which the work appeared, the screening

          and/or venue in which the work was screened.

     b.  A description of the impact, merit, and significance of your work beyond Ithaca College,

          such as awards the work has garnered, citations, and/or prominent venues of presentation.



Questions regarding the Park School Faculty Writing Awards may be directed to

Stephen Tropiano, chair (323-851-6911 / stropiano@gmail.com).