Tenure/Promotion Workshops for Prospective Candidates

By Brendan Murday, February 9, 2023

Feb 15 and Feb 23 T&P Workshops

The Provost’s office will be facilitating two workshops geared towards prospective candidates for tenure/promotion; faculty who are functioning as advisors or mentors to prospective candidates are also encouraged to attend.  [We plan to host separate events later in the semester, one geared towards prospective review committee members, and one focused on introducing the software platform (“OnBoard”) used for tenure/promotion files.]

The format of these workshops will feature some brief remarks about the process, with the bulk of time devoted to Q&A.  The Provost, two Deans, and two faculty who have served on the All-College Tenure and Promotion Committee will be present to answer questions.  The dates/times/locations for these workshops will be:

  • Wednesday Feb 15, 12:30 – 1:50, Campus Center Taughannock Falls Room
  • Thursday Feb 23, 12:10 – 1:30, Campus Center Taughannock Falls Room

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Brendan Murday at bmurday@ithaca.edu or x43133. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.