Orientation Leader Application Deadline Extended to February 28th

By Mame Ndiaye, February 19, 2023

We are now accepting Orientation Leader applications until Tuesday February 28th, which is an additional one-week extension of our initial deadline! We are Inspired by submissions so far and the continued strong interest in welcoming our incoming class to the IC community.  To potential candidates who have yet to submit, we hope this extension will encourage you to join the orientation staff sooner rather than later.

Have questions?
On February 7th, the office of New Student and Transition Programs (NSTP) hosted an Information Session on the Orientation Leader position for IC students, to answer questions and provide insight. If you would like additional information on this session you can contact Mame Ndiaye, the Assistant Director of NSTP,  by email at mndiaye@ithaca.edu or by phone 607-274-1908.  Also, you can find additional resources on our website about the Orientation Leader role here

Orientation Leader Flyer

Applications are available on the IC Job Database. To be considered for the OL position, students must be in good judicial and academic standing (with a minimum GPA of 2.5 maintained throughout the spring semester).  Other considerations include leadership experience, excellent communication and interpersonal skills, multicultural awareness, and the ability to present yourself professionally and confidently.