Did your New Years Resolution fail? Learn why and how to develop healthy and successful habits

By Kelly Robichaud, February 20, 2023

Do you want to learn how to build more effective habits and goals?

The Exercise Behavior Coaches at the Wellness Clinic are here to help make habit-forming accessible and FUN. Reach your goals and fulfill your potential. 

The Wellness Clinic’s Exercise Behavior Coaches will deliver the workshops in a three-part series every Friday, with two options to attend. If you missed last week, there is an option to come to a make up session this Wednesday; sign up here!


          Make up session 1 

          Wednesday, Feb 22th, 8 am 

       Session 3

         Friday, Feb 24th, 8 am- 8:45 am OR 3 pm- 3:45 pm

Where: Wellness Clinic (CHS 302)
Who: Facility, Staff, and Grad Students

Use this link to sign up: Link