Learn about Public Health Grad School TODAY

By Stewart Auyash, February 21, 2023

Meet Boston University School of Public Health Admissions Officer

Today: Meet with BU School of Public Health Student and Representative

Join an online gathering of all students from any major who want to learn more about graduate school in public health. An admissions representative and an IC grad from Boston University will be there to present information and answer questions.
WHEN: Wednesday, Feb, 22, 4-5pm. Link Here

Ithaca College is one of the few schools who partner with BU in their Select Scholars Program, which allows students to learn about their admission status within 3 weeks and guarantees at least a reduction in tuition. Learn more by joining this meeting. Also see the attachment to this email.

Join Zoom Meeting
https://bostonu.zoom.us/j/99227730178?pwd=NGJWbjJIUTA3UjhHdVZGWWxNWll0Zz09Links to an external site.

For more information, contact Stewart Auyash, auyash@ithaca.edu

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