Students of Color are Invited to Attend a Listening Session with President La Jerne Terry Cornish and Student Affairs Leadership on Wednesday, March 8, from 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

By News, March 6, 2023

We invite students of color to a special listening session to be held with us in the Campus Center – Emerson Suite B on Wednesday, March 8, from 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm. The purpose of this event is to provide a space for students to share incidents of micro/macroaggression and racial bias that have occurred and are occurring on our campus. This program will be dedicated solely to listening to students share their experiences. There will be additional meetings to follow where we will think together about how to respond to these concerns. Additionally, this event is one of several sessions being held with different constituents to address the presence and legacy of micro/macroaggressions and bias on campus.

Students who are unable to attend this event due to a prior conflict or who may be uncomfortable participating in this in-person event also have an opportunity to share their experience via online submission. We have created a brief form specific for this event for students wishing to share their experiences, which provides an anonymous option to have your experience seen by President Cornish and other members of Ithaca College’s Student Affairs Leadership. 

Student Experience Submission Form

Students who would prefer to submit their experiences in another way can do so by completing a Bias Impact Reporting Form or by submitting their experience to the newly formed group @ICRiseUp.

For any student who needs support as a result of sharing their experience with us please consider contacting:

CAPS (Counseling and Psychological Services) at 607-274-3136. Follow the prompts and you can reach an after-hours on-call counselor after regular business hours.

ICare – Submit an ICare report to request outreach and support for yourself or any other member of the IC Community.

We look forward to thinking with you about how we can stop these kinds of experiences from occurring on our campus.


La Jerne Terry Cornish


Bonnie Solt Prunty

Vice President for Student Affairs and Campus Life

Marsha Dawson

Dean of Students, Student Affairs and Campus Life