Click on 'View Grades' on the left hand navigation of the student profile
Select term you would like to view
Click on 'View Grades' on the left hand navigation of the student profile
Select term you would like to view
Screen Capture of HomerConnect grade view
Select the course level (Undergraduate or Graduate)
Grades appear in window
Note: if grades have not been posted for a term, that term will not appear in the drop down to select.
Screen Capture of DegreeWorks grade view
DegreeWorks is currently off line undergoing an exciting upgrade.
After March 14, 2023, when you log into DegreeWorks, scroll to the end of the audit and view midterm grades in the In-Progress & Mid-Term Grades section.
If a midterm grade has not been posted the grade will show as 'Reg'.
If you have any questions, please contact the Office of the Registrar at registrar@ithaca.edu.