H&S Faculty - Workshop on Adding a 4th Hour to your 3-credit course; Monday, March 27, 2023; 4-5:30pm

By David Brown, March 15, 2023

Interested in talking with others about plans for transitioning a 3-credit course to 4 credits?

In Fall 2023, many departments in H&S will begin teaching 4-credit courses as a regular part of their departmental workload. In response to feedback from some faculty who are concerned about how to move their classes from a 3- to 4-credit model, the H&S Curriculum Committee is hosting a workshop session for interested faculty to begin that work. HSCC representatives will briefly share the major themes they have seen in the curricular proposals submitted to move courses from 3- to 4-credit courses. Then, the floor will be open for questions and time for attendees to work together to begin the planning for their specific courses for Fall 2023. Come with a course or two that you would like to begin thinking about.

Monday, March 27, 2023
Williams 222

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Dave Brown at dabrown@ithaca.edu or (607)274-7375. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.