It's not too late! Do you need post-midterm peer coaching support and assistance?

By Yolanda Clarke, March 19, 2023

Sign Up for a Coach today!!

You still have a chance to perform exceedingly well this term! 

Your Success

A Message from Tutoring and Academic Enrichment Services

You don't have to do this alone!

Support is still available if you need help in certain courses.  Get tips and tools for more effective studying and learning.  Additional practice with peers in your classes may also be helpful.

Need motivational assistance?  Are you feeling at a loss?  Talk to a Peer Success Coach about how to improve your organization, intention, and dedication to your studies.  Also, maybe it's time to learn how to use a planner!

Be advised that coach capacities fill up quickly.  

Also, we encourage you to visit your professor's office hours and use TA support that is available.