Women's Mentoring Network Hosts Author Lisa Brown for the Session Titled “Investing in You! Financial Tips for Fabulous Women”

By Samantha Elebiary, March 19, 2023

Women's Mentoring Network Hosts Author Lisa Brown for the Session Titled “Investing in You! Financial Tips for Fabulous Women”

Join Lisa Brown, personal finance expert, author, and native upstate New Yorker for a presentation designed to empower women to take control of their money and make sound financial decisions during all stages of life.  Drawing from her female finance book series, Girl Talk, Money Talk. The Smart Girl’s Guide to Money After College and Girl Talk, Money Talk II. Financially Fit and Fabulous in Your 40s and 50s, Lisa will walk through the large life decisions women face, from paying off debt to buying a home, balancing lifestyle, saving money, protecting your assets, and the pathway to early retirement. Money is a factor in all these decisions, and the presentation is designed to help you prepare now. When it comes to managing your money, knowledge is power.

Monday, April 17th, 12 pm-1 pm in Taughannock Falls (3rd Floor of Campus Center). Attendees will be provided lunch and a copy of Lisa’s book! Register here.

Contact Sam Elebiary at selebiary@ithaca.edu with questions or requests for accommodations.