Friday, April 7th is the last day to request TAES Peer Support.

By Yolanda Clarke, April 2, 2023

Make your Requests for Support Before Friday, April 7th at 5pm.

We are winding down to the last weeks of the semester.

Coffee Cup

A Message from Tutoring and Academic Enrichment Services

TAKE NOTE!  There is still a chance to utilize the support of TAES Learning Coaches and Peer Success Coaches, but you must make your request this week. 

Learning Coaches can help you with course content material.  You should also go to your professor's office hours.  Peer Success Coaches will school you on life skills like balancing your responsibilities, managing your time, and increasing your accountability to yourself.  

Don't hesitate to ask for support if you need it!  You do not have to do this alone!!