$3000 Stipend for Summer Internships!

By Hannah Brooks, April 3, 2023

The Park Center for Independent Media sponsors a summer internship program each year aimed at giving justice-oriented students the opportunity to work at independent/progressive media institutions and advocacy nonprofits in the nation. 

Participating students are awarded financial stipends (of up to $3,000). In recent summers, students have worked at many leading independent media organizations and progressive nonprofits such as FAIRDemocracy Now!Mother Jones, and the Institute for Public Accuracy. Our interns also frequently work with local outlets such as The Ithaca Voice and WRFI Community Radio.

Students are expected to work at the internship a minimum of 25 hours per week, at least 8 weeks (with some exceptions). Students interested in interning with an independent media outlet this summer should apply soon. The process is competitive.

Please note that students will apply for internships on their own. PCIM can help identify outlets/organizations for which they should contact us.

To apply please use the application form below. Email applications to Hannah Brooks at hbrooks@ithaca.edu

Download an internship application here


The Sue-Je Lee Gage Residency for Human Rights and Social Justice, a local non-profit organization dedicated to human rights and social justice, is in need of a summer intern.

Those interested in interning should contact Annette Levine at alevine@ithaca.edu.


Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR) is currently accepting applications for Summer internships at our Manhattan office.

Interns have opportunities to develop writing, research and communications skills, and to acquire knowledge of both corporate and independent media. We typically accept students from journalism/media studies or closely related programs but will consider all motivated applicants, particularly those who demonstrate strong knowledge of FAIR’s work and skills like writing, proofreading and critical thinking.

Responsibilities vary, but usually include fact-checking, research, writing, web support and very occasional administrative tasks. We will establish educational goals and projects based on the intern’s interests and abilities.

Interns work a minimum of 15 hours per week, in person. Students who wish to obtain course credit will have our full cooperation in meeting institutional requirements. FAIR interns receive $15/hour compensation and must arrange their own housing.

For more information, please visit https://fair.org/internship-program/ or email jhollar@fair.org.