SLI this Friday 4/7/23: What do I trust? Considering authority

By Cathy Michael, April 5, 2023

Authority is Constructed and Contextual: How to Know What to Trust (Leading Self)

How do we know what or whom to trust? How do we evaluate information for its authority?

SLI Leading Self

SLI Leading Self

How do we talk to friends and family who share misinformation or conspiratorial thinking? In this session, students learn the importance of using critical thinking skills to evaluate authority and reflect on how information’s authority may change depending on the context. Information will be shared on methods for speaking to friends and family who are sharing misinformation.


APRIL 7TH   from 12 pm to 1 pm in Gannett 319 (Library Classroom)

Presented by Catherine Michael, Communication Librarian

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact at or 607-274-3222. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.