Ithacon Cosplay Sketching

By Leanna Crouse, April 17, 2023

Ithacon's second year of COSPLAY SKETCHING

Join us at Ithacon for a wonderful opportunity for families, students, and professionals to join when attending the convention. Participants range from beginning artists to experienced creators! Our cosplayers are always great to work with as well. We have a lot of student interest in modeling as many students at Ithaca College are passionate about cosplaying. Supplies will be available, but please feel free to bring your own supplies in case provided materials run out! This year the event will run only Sunday, April 23 between 2-4 pm. Student tickets at $10! 

Ithacon Cosplay Figure Drawing poster. Event will be held Sunday April 23, 2pm-4pm

For more information about Ithacon, check out our website for information abut dates and tickets! 

Individuals requiring accommodations should reach out to We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.