Happy Sustainability Week!

By Scott Doyle, April 18, 2023

IC Sustainability Week - April 17-22nd

It’s IC’s big week for celebrating and discussing campus sustainability. The start of the week has been great and we look forward to connecting with added students, faculty and staff at events held throughout the week.  You can find details of the following campus events at https://www.icsustainabilityweek.com/.

Wednesday April 19th

Thursday April 20th

Friday April 21st

  • 10AM-2PM – Sustainability Fair – Textor Hallway
  • 11AM – 3PM – South Hill Forest Products Earth Day Pop-Up @ Campus Bookstore

Saturday April 22nd – Earth Day!

  • 9-11AM – Natural Lands Service Hike - All are welcome to join a guided wellness/educational/service hike to the Sugarbush Open House.  Meet at Boothroyd Woods Trailhead at 9:00am. The pace will be leisurely and the itinerary will be flexible, including topics such as natural history, forest carbon research, accessibility and inclusion in outdoor education, and outdoor recreation as wellness.  If participants are interested the group may initiate a "Trail Log" to document parts of the trail system in need of maintenance or repairs. By 11:00am the ICNL Service Hike will arrive at the South Hill Forest Products sugarbush, site of the famed Sugarbush Open House, and participants are welcome to join the festivities until 2:00pm.  Hikers may return to campus on foot or by shuttle.  Hikers should prepare for spring weather (hot or cold, rain or shine), wear comfortable shoes, and arrive well hydrated or bring water. Co-sponsored by the Natural Lands, Nature Rx, and South Hill Forest Products
  • 10AM – 2PM – Sugarbush Open House @ Natural Lands Sugarbush 

Ithaca College Sustainability Week organizing committee

Olivia Knapp, Austin Ruffino, Dehron Smith, Kaitlyn Pocze, and Alexa Monrad (students)

Scott Doyle (staff)

Christine Bataille, Hormoz Movassaghi, and Margaret Shackell (Faculty)

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Scott D. Doyle at sdoyle@ithaca.edu or 607-274-3769. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.