Women's Mentoring Network Hosts Coffee Conversation for Parents of Young Children - Facilitated by Sam Elebiary

By Samantha Elebiary, April 20, 2023

Women's Mentoring Network Hosts Coffee Conversation for Parents of Young Children - Facilitated by Sam Elebiary

Complete separation of work and life is near impossible, especially when you have young children at home. Connect with other parents of young children over coffee and breakfast to share struggles and strategies. The first 10 people to register will receive a copy of the book "Gifts of the Sea" by Anne Morrow Lindbergh, which will be used for part of the discussion.

Conversation facilitated by Sam Elebiary.

Date/Time: Friday, April 21st, 9:30am-10:30am. Yogurt and coffee bar provided! Register here.

Contact Sam Elebiary at selebiary@ithaca.edu with questions or requests for accommodations.