Free Speech/False Speech Panel

By Michelle Foster, April 27, 2023

Tuesday, May 2, 12:10-1:00 pm, Klingenstein Lounge

How Can We Identify Mis/Disinformation in the News, Advertising and Social Media, and What Can We Do About It?

In today's increasingly complex and mediated world, it feels like misinformation and disinformation is everywhere. What should we know about the techniques used to create deep fakes and other false messages, and how can we recognize it when we see, read or hear it?  How can we use media literacy to empower ourselves to assess clickbait, inaccurate news, and other misleading media messages? And how can locally-produced and independent news counter the hyped and misleading information we so often receive?


David Maley, Director of Public Relations, Ithaca College
Lauren Steele, Assistant Professor of Emerging Media; Media Arts, Sciences and Studies Department, Roy H. Park School of Communications
Cyndy Scheibe, Dana Professor, Department of Psychology; Coordinator, Media Literacy Minor; Executive Director, Project Look Sharp
Allison Frisch, Assistant Professor of Journalism; Roy H. Park School of Communications
Moderator:  Angela Rulffes, Assistant Professor, Media Arts, Sciences, and Studies Department, Roy H. Park School of Communications

There will be a Q&A session after the panelists' presentations.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Michelle Potter at or 607-274-7918. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.