IC Web Team Office Hours - Next Session May 3

By Jennifer King MacKenzie, April 30, 2023

Remote web support office hours are back! This is the perfect opportunity to get in-person answers to your questions about the Drupal content management system, site architecture, content types, or any other web-related topic.

More Convenient Hours, Easy Booking

In an effort to make this online help even more convenient for our campus partners, we’ll be alternating with one Wednesday and one Thursday each month. You must schedule a 30-minute appointment via our Microsoft Bookings page to attend a session [details below].

Final Web Team Office Hours for Spring 2023 [All Times are ET]

Wed. May 3: 1 p.m. - 3 p.m.

New This Semester: How to Book and Attend a Remote Session

  1. Please book your 30-minute appointment in advance through our Microsoft Bookings page. [Simply click the link and log in with your Netpass ID and password to see availability.] 
  2. You’ll receive a confirmation email from “IC Web Team” with the session Zoom link. Just click the link and you’ll be signed into the 30-minute session.  

We’re Always Here for You!

If you have a question and all appointment times are booked, you can always reach the IC Web Team at web@ithaca.edu.