Calling All Graduating Students!!

By Dave Curry, May 5, 2023

Calling All Graduating Students!!

How would you like to win $100 to the IC Campus store?

Every year, Ithaca College participates in the First Destination Survey, which is taken by more than 80% of colleges and universities. The goal of the survey is to learn where our graduating seniors are heading after commencement. Many of you already have a job lined up, while others are planning to go to grad school, and some of you are still working on your next steps. Regardless of where you are in your career journey, we want to know, not just to track this information and promote your successes, but also to be able to reach out individually and extend our office’s services if you need help in the job search process.

If you are a graduating student (senior or graduate student) and have not already completed this survey, please take 2 minutes to click on the  First Destination Survey link and answer a few quick questions. In addition to providing us with helpful information, you will also be entered into a drawing where you could win a $100, $50, or $25 gift card to the campus store. We will draw the winner on May 18th, so please be sure to take the survey as soon as possible.

If you have any questions about the survey, or anything related to your career journey, please reach out to the Center for Career Exploration & Development at, and remember, as a Bomber, our services are available to you after graduation, and for life!

Thank you for taking a few moments to help us help you. Go Bombers!