IC Receives Prestigious Circle of Excellence Awards From CASE

By News, June 26, 2023

gold circle with words

Dear Campus Community:

There is no greater compliment than one from a peer. That’s why I’m so pleased and proud to share the exciting news that the outstanding work of our marketing, creative, and communications team has been recognized by CASE, the Council for Advancement and Support of Education.

Ithaca College has received three prestigious Circle of Excellence Awards from CASE—two Gold and one Silver. The annual Circle of Excellence Awards recognize exceptional achievement in institutional branding strategy and implementation, marketing, communications, alumni relations, fundraising, and advancement services. The CASE awards showcase outstanding work—creative, inspiring projects that impact institutions and their communities, and transform lives around the globe.

  • IC has been honored by CASE with a Gold Award in the “Storytelling” category for our People of Progress campaign. IC is one of just five schools globally to be recognized in this category and only one of two institutions to receive this award.
  • We also received a Gold Award in the “Communications Initiatives” category for our strategy, messaging, and implementation of the Ithaca Commitment pricing and value marketing campaign. IC was one of just three schools from among CASE’s international membership to receive this honor.
  • In addition, we received a Silver Award in the “Institutional Branding” category for the development and implementation of our comprehensive brand strategy and platform. IC was one of just five institutions recognized in this category.

The coveted CASE Circle of Excellence Awards are important and meaningful to our team, to the college, and to our constituents. These accolades put us in a global spotlight and place us high among the prestigious institutions with which we compete for students, faculty, staff, and financial support. In addition to recognizing the talent and stellar work of our in-house staff members, doing well in these competitions helps advance our reputation among our peers. And winning a CASE Circle of Excellence Award should make us all feel really good. It’s a point of pride for all members of the IC community. I encourage you to select each link to learn more about the projects as well as the judges' full responses to them.

CASE is a global non-profit association dedicated to educational advancement including marketing, communications, alumni relations, and development—all who share the goal of championing education to transform lives and society. CASE helps its members, like Ithaca College, build stronger relationships with all these constituencies in numerous ways including recognizing outstanding marketing, creative, and communications work.

In the words of Sue Cunningham, the president and CEO of CASE: Our 2023 honorees—from diverse institutions and teams of all sizes—are bold, creative, and resourceful.

Congratulations to the entire marketing, creative, and communications team! I’m so very proud to see their outstanding efforts acknowledged by CASE.

Laurie Koehler
Vice President, Marketing and Enrollment Strategy