An unexpected bonus of rowing is...

By Beth Greene, July 20, 2023

Teammates laugh & reach for each other between hard efforts.

Did you know that students with a connection to someone on campus are more likely to successfully complete their studies? Having a strong connection to a family member alum or campus employee, a professor-mentor, or a coach can help a student push through the inevitable challenges of college. 

Members of the rowing teams can have that connection from day 1 on campus.  Teammates and coaches who care about your well being will be a daily presence.  Whether your challenges are academic, athletic, social, or personal, your rowing family will be there to hear you, support you and hold you accountable. 

Yes... our teams are about growth, performance and excellence.  You will get in the best shape of your life. ...but we are also about family - being there for each other day after day, celebrating successes and helping each other bounce back from missteps.  

If you're getting curious, please include PALS 05600 in your fall schedule.