Ithaca College Poets Receive Prizes

By Eric Machan Howd, August 9, 2023

IC Poets Receive Awards

A picture of poets Katharyn Howd Machan and Eric Machan Howd.

A picture of Dr. Katharyn Howd Machan and Eric Machan Howd at Trelevan Winery in King Ferry, NY.

Ithaca College poets, Dr. Katharyn Howd Machan (Professor, Department of Writing) and Eric Machan Howd (Director, Extended Studies, Past Professor in the Department of Writing, and 1990 H&S Graduate) both received third-place awards in the 2023 Richard Angilly Memorial Poetry Contest as part of the 2023 Dancing Poetry Festival in Santa Rosa, California.

These prizes include cash awards in addition to inclusion in the online performances of award-winners at the festival.

Eric's fifth collection of poetry, Universal Monsters, was published by The Orchard Street Press in 2020 and his poetry has been seen in such publications as Slant, Caesura, Slab, Nimrod, The Healing Muse, and Stone Canoe. In 2023, he published his sixth collection of poems, The Last Cardinal, with sometimes y publications. He is currently working on a poetry erasure project using a work by author H.P. Lovecraft.

Katharyn Howd Machan writes poetry and memoir on her Dragon Patio when weather allows and elsewhere when it doesn’t. As a professor in the Department of Writing at Ithaca College she mentors students in fairy-tale-based creative writing courses. Her most recent publications are A Slow Bottle of Wine (The Comstock Writers, Inc., 2020) and Dark Side of the Spoon (The Moonstone Press, 2022). For spirit and body, she belly dances.