The Autonomist Anomaly in Handwerker Gallery opening August 24th

By Paul Nicholson, August 20, 2023

Join us at Handwerker Gallery for an Opening Reception this Thurs. Aug 24, 5 - 6:30pm

This Thursday we look forward to hosting visiting curator Felice Moramarco for his exhibition: The Autonomist Anomaly opening August 24th in the Handwerker Galleries.

Through archival images and materials and the film Settembre ‘77, this exhibition will look at the cultural production and organizing of the Italian movement Autonomia. For almost a decade throughout the 70’s, Autonomia upset the Italian political system with a wave of uprisings, animated by radical demands of equality and social justice. Through audio recordings, super 8 videos, photos, and magazines from the archives of activists of the movement, the Autonomist Anomaly recollects some of the crucial events that marked the history of Autonomia. By giving a glimpse into the dynamic organization of the movement and its unusual forms of political struggle, the exhibition aims to highlight the unique political experience that was Autonomia, and its enduring legacy that is still relevant today.

protest image c/o Enrico Scuro

Demonstration against the criminalization of students' struggles

Bologna, 22 January 1977     

Enrico Scuro

The Autonomist Anomaly

August 24 – October 15, 2023
8/24 Opening Reception 5 – 6:30pm August 24
8/30 6 pm Artist Talk: Felice Moramarco
9/1 10 am Curators walk through [in Italian]
9/1 12:10 pm Aspiring Curators Workshop for IC students

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Paul Nicholson at or 607 274 3548. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.