Nominations for TRAC Committee

By Brendan Murday, August 22, 2023

Dear Faculty,

We are soliciting nominations for a vacant faculty seat on the Teaching Resource Allocation Committee (TRAC). 

This standing committee, created in 2021, reviews all requests for full-time continuing faculty positions, and makes recommendations to the provost about which positions should be approved and searched.  The committee consists of the deans of the five schools, three faculty members selected by the process described below who serve staggered 3-year terms, and an additional faculty member who serves on APC.  The faculty representatives continuing on the Committee for 2023-24 are Julia Lapp (HSHP, Dept of Health Sciences and Public Health) and Alison Shields (Business, Dept of Marketing).

Please submit nominations (including self-nominations) to by September 1, 2023.  If you are nominating someone other than yourself, please confirm that your nominees are willing to serve before sending them forward.  To be eligible, faculty members must have served at least five years on the full-time faculty at Ithaca College and hold the rank of associate professor or professor, although tenure is not required.  Ideally, those serving on this committee will be able to think institutionally, rather than preferentially toward a department or school, and they will be comfortable working in a strictly confidential setting. 

All nominations will become part of a pool to be reviewed by the Executive Committee of Faculty Council (FCEC) and I.  In considering the nominations, the FCEC and I will strive toward achieving a group which reflects the demographic diversity of the faculty, and a mix of academic and governance experience, time at the college, and disciplinary perspectives.  After consulting with the FCEC, FCEC will recommend three of the nominated faculty, unranked, to me for consideration, and I will appoint one faculty member to serve a three-year term expiring 2026. 

TRAC may meet once in the Fall, but the most substantial work will occur between March 1 and April 15, 2023.  There will likely be a handful of meetings, and in order to facilitate scheduling conflicts, meetings are likely to be scheduled in the evening or weekend.

Thank you for considering this opportunity.


 Melanie I. Stein

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs