Website Changes Coming Soon!

By Sandra Ely, August 24, 2023

Website Changes Coming This Weekend

Website Owners + Content Managers 

What’s Happening? 
As you may know, the Marketing Communications Team has been working to refresh some of the top-level pages on with new content and new design elements that more closely align with our branding guidelines. To prepare for that upgrade, you’ll soon notice some changes to all the pages on the website. 

What’s Changing Soon? 
In a few days, you’ll see some of the design changes populate throughout the website, most notable will be new, bolder fonts for banners and other page design elements.  

When Will the Refresh Happen? 
The refresh of some of the top-level pages [home pages] is slated to take place in mid-October.  

What Should You Do? 
All deans and office directors whose website home pages will be affected by the refresh have been notified. If you have questions about these changes, please feel free to contact us. Otherwise, enjoy the refresh! 

How Do You Contact Us? 
Please email us with any questions. 
Sandra Ely - Director, Web + Digital Strategy 
Jennifer King MacKenzie - Director, Marketing Strategy