Learn Grant Writing for WI Credit

By Anthony DiRenzo, August 27, 2023

Take Proposal and Grant Writing (WRTG-31700)

Franklin Lending Library

Charles E. Mills, Benjamin Franklin Opening the First Subscription Library in Philadelphia (1900)

The Department of Writing invites students to enroll in Proposal and Grant Writing (WRTG-31700, CRN 21307) this semester.

Now designated Writing Intensive (WI) for the Integrative Core Curriculum (ICC), this professional writing course will be offered Monday-Wednesday, 10:00 AM to 11:40 AM, in Smiddy 114. Access has never been easier because of the course's revised prerequisites:

  • One 200-level course in Liberal Arts (LA) and WRTG 10600 or ICSM 10800

Proposal and Grant Writing teaches how to write in the nonprofit sector. Students address problems in the local community while studying the interplay among business, education, government, and nonprofits. Attentive to civic responsibility in the marketplace, the course teaches research and assessment, project management, editing, and document design. as well as the history and politics of the U.S. third sector.

Group work emphasizes social networks and service learning. Assigned to small project teams, students will act as consultants for these local nonprofit organizations (NPOs): 

For more information, download a course syllabus at:

Should problems occur enrolling online, contact Dr. Anthony Di Renzo at direnzo@ithaca.edu. Even if the course is full, get on the Wait List. Students often drop during the first week of classes.

Proposals and Grant Writing is now taught only once a year, so please take advantage of this opportunity. The course won't be offered again until Fall 2024.