Anxiety Toolbox at CAPS

By Brian Petersen, August 31, 2023

Anxiety Toolbox Workshop at CAPS-FALL 2023

Building Your Anxiety Toolbox Workshop FALL 2023

Are you struggling with feelings of over-thinking, self-deprecating behaviors, panic, perfectionism, isolation and other mental health concerns related to Anxiety?

Anxiety Toolbox is a 50 minute confidential weekly ZOOM-based workshop designed to help you better recognize, understand, and navigate through distressing symptoms. It is not a 1:1 meeting; more than one student can attend. You will learn new skills and build on strategies towards coping and reducing distress.  Some of the skills that will be taught and practiced:

  • Reframing unhelpful patterns of thinking
  • Mindfulness & Calming activities
  • Social-Emotional Competence
  • Breath and Body Focused Relaxation Techniques
  • Identifying and Regulating Emotions
  • And more!

When is it?

  • Mondays at 1pm starting 9/18/23 with Brian Petersen, the Director at CAPS. Brian is a Clinical Psychologist.

Students do not need to be CAPS clients to attend and this is not a clinical Counseling session. You can attend one meeting or a few if you find it to be helpful.  The Zoom link will be sent to participants, who have indicated their interest through the email address above, on the day of the meeting.