Upcoming Public Directory Changes

By Casey Kendall, September 4, 2023

Public Directory Changes

We are excited to announce improvements to the Ithaca College online directories (ithaca.edu/directories) planned for implementation on September 7. The new directories will have a fresh look and modern web platform, with student directory information moved internal to the IC community, enhanced data management, and an improved user experience. Campus community members do not need to take any action regarding these changes.  
Here is what you can expect from the upgraded system:  
Student Directory Information will be Internal: In accordance with current best practices, we will remove student information from the online public directory. Students, faculty, and staff will be able to securely access student directory information directly in systems like Oracle HR Cloud, Microsoft Teams, Banner, Slate, and Canvas.  
Streamlined Office Information Management: To ensure accurate and up-to-date information, users will go to specific division and department web pages for public contact details. This change will reduce data inconsistency and redundancy.  
Migration to Drupal: To create a more user-friendly experience, we will transition the faculty and staff directory system to the Drupal web platform that most other IC web pages use. This allows us to customize the pages to meet IC’s needs and maintain a consistent user experience with the main ithaca.edu web page.  
Internal Organization Charts: IC Community members seeking additional maintaining data security. More information on navigating the Directory app in Oracle HR Cloud can be found here.  
Explanations regarding the changes:  

Beginning September 7,  www.ithaca.edu/directories will have a fresh look, and the www.ithaca.edu directory will have basic contact information, such as faculty and staff departments and email addresses, and links to their profile pages. Additional information for internal use by other faculty and staff can be found in Oracle HR Cloud.  

Students’ directory information will no longer be published in the public online directory. Instead, it will be available directly in Oracle HR Cloud, Outlook, Microsoft Teams, Banner, Slate, or Canvas.  

Specific department contact information can be found on a department’s web page or in Oracle HR Cloud.  
We hope these changes will enhance our community's experience with the directory, improve accuracy, reduce unnecessary information posted publicly, and streamline communication.  
Please reach out to web@ithaca.edu with any questions or concerns. Your feedback is always valuable.