Call for Faculty Members of the ICC-CAC

By Chrystyna Dail, September 5, 2023

Faculty Volunteers Needed for the ICC-CAC

The Office of the Integrative Core Curriculum is soliciting faculty volunteers for a new faculty advisory committee for the Integrative Core Curriculum: the ICC Curriculum and Assessment Committee (ICC - CAC). The charge of this committee includes facilitating review of proposals for ICC course designations, conducting regular academic learning assessment of the ICC, and proposing curriculum, policy, and assessment changes for the ICC. The committee is chaired by the ICC Director. Faculty committee members serve a two-year term and may renew once for an additional term. The committee will meet six times during the academic year.

All IC continuing faculty with experience teaching courses in the ICC are eligible to join the CAC. Ideally, the committee will have representation from multiple schools and disciplines. Members will be appointed to the committee by the ICC Director, in consultation with the provost's office. 

Faculty interested in joining the ICC-CAC should send an email to Chrystyna Dail, Director of the ICC, no later than September 8th. In your email, briefly describe your interest in the committee, and your experience teaching in the program. Please reach out with any questions.