It's Week 3: Know a Student Who Needs Academic Support?

By Elizabeth Bleicher, September 7, 2023

Peer Learning and Success Coaching services are available now!

Week 3 represents a key turning point in the semester for our students. Do you notice anyone who might benefit from support?  Have a chat with them and tell them about the benefits of peer assistance.

Our Learning Coaches and Peer Success Coaches are prepared to meet with students about difficult course content concerns and other challenging issues like time management and positive habits.  These peer educators are trained to refer students to proper resources on campus, when professional staff intervention is more appropriate. 

Please direct students to our website so we can connect them to the appropriate coach. 

We are currently hiring learning coaches for courses in which we have historically seen a high demand for tutoring. Please nominate students who have the talent to tutor.

Thank you for caring about IC students!