Tutoring and Peer Success Coaching Request System is OPEN!

By Elizabeth Bleicher, September 7, 2023

Need help with a course? Learning how to navigate college?

Tutoring and Academic Enrichment is open for business!

If you or someone you know needs help with a specific course, complete a request for a learning coach: https://www.ithaca.edu/tutoring-and-academic-enrichment-services/learning-coaches

If you need help setting attainable goals, developing a sustainable schedule, making friends, balancing academics, work and a social life, or creating positive habits, complete a request for a peer success coach:  https://www.ithaca.edu/tutoring-and-academic-enrichment-services/peer-success-coaches

Start your semester on the right foot and connect to academic support early in the semester to enhance your performance and reduce your stress.