Math Department Colloquia Monday, Sep. 18 4PM in Williams 320

By Jill Ackerman, September 18, 2023

Please join us for a talk with Emilie Wiesner, Ithaca College Department of Mathematics, entitled: Hats Off: the einstein of aperiodic tilings

In Spring 2023, mathematicians announced "the hat," the answer to a long-standing open question: Is there a single shape (or "einstein") that can tile the plane but such that no tiling ever has a repeating pattern (that is, an aperiodic tiling)?

In this talk I'll give an introduction to aperiodic tilings and some of the keys ideas in proving "the hat" gives an aperiodic tiling. I'll have plenty of tiles to play with!

Monday September 18
4:00 Williams 320
Lite refreshments will be served.

sponsored by the Math Department Colloquium series contact: (Ted Galanthay)

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact the Department Assistant at or 4-3107. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.