April Trainor '24 and Prof. Doug Turnbull present research on music recommendation in Singapore

By Doug Turnbull, September 20, 2023

Senior April Trainor and Prof. Doug Turnbull (Computer Science) traveled to Singapore for the 2023 ACM Conference on Recommendation Systems (ACM RecSys). A recommender system is a computational system that recommends items (products, movies, news articles, songs, jobs, social media posts, etc.) to users.

Doug gave a keynote talk entitled "Local Music is Important" at the Music Recommendation Systems Workshop.

April presented a research paper on "Popularity Degradation Bias in Local Music Recommendation" also at the Music Recommendation Systems Workshop.

Poster for "Localify.org: Locally-focus Music Artist and Event Recommendation" paper at ACM RecSys 2023

Poster for "Localify.org: Locally-focus Music Artist and Event Recommendation" paper at ACM RecSys 2023

Both Doug and April presented a demonstration paper "Localify.org: Locally-focus Music Artist and Event Recommendation" at the main conference. This was joint work with Griffin Homan '25, Elizabeth Richards '24, Kieran Bentley '25, Victoria Conrad '25, Paul Gagliano '25, Cassandra Raineault '25, and Prof. Thorsten Joachims (Cornell University). These students worked on Localify.org this past summer as part of the H&S Summer Scholars program.

ACM RecSys is the premier international forum for the presentation of new research results, systems and techniques in the broad field of recommender systems. RecSys brings together the major international research groups working on recommender systems, along with many of the world’s leading tech companies (e.g., Amazon, Netflix, Spotify, Google).