Opening reception in the Rotunda Gallery

By Paul Nicholson, October 4, 2023

Introduction to Sculpture student exhibition

Please Join us Thursday October 3rd during common hour [12:10 - 1] for a public reception of new student artwork created in Introduction to Sculpture taught by Bill Hastings in the Handwerker Gallery's Rotunda space. 

The Rotunda Gallery is a provisional exhibition space accessible via the Handwerker Art Gallery in the lower level of Gannett.  HG added this additional exhibition space to give students a more prominent public place to share creative research, while allowing faculty to share what is happening in the classroom with a wider audience. Shows will be up for about two weeks, rotating throughout the spring and fall semesters, and are free and open to campus and community.

artworks in intro to sculpture

Installation shot from Bill Hastings' Introduction to Sculpture in the Rotunda Gallery

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact paul nicholson at or 607 274 3548. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.