Safety Escort Reminder

By Elyse Nepa, October 19, 2023

Dear Campus Community,

In our ongoing commitment to prioritize your personal safety, Public Safety would like to take a moment to remind you of the availability of safety escorts on campus.

Safety escorts are a service provided to members of our community who may feel unsafe walking alone, especially during late hours or in dimly lit areas. Your safety is our utmost concern, and we want you to feel secure at all times on our campus.

Safety escorts are available from 9:00pm until 1:00am by SASP or any other time of the day or night by a patrol or security officer.

To request a safety escort, simply call Public Safety at 607-274-3333.

Your safety is a shared responsibility, and we are here to support you. We recommend familiarizing yourself with some important personal safety information to keep in mind at all times when out and about both on campus and in the local community.

We hope this service contributes to and enhances the sense of safety and support within our community.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. 


Your Public Safety Team