Therapeutic Art Space Open All Week in Campus Center

By Lauren Goldberg, October 22, 2023

In Response to The War in Israel & Gaza, An Alternative To Social Media

Campus Center Info Desk
Monday, October 23 - Friday, October 28 


Chamsas for the Heart aims to hold a permeable, accessible, yet intentionally trauma-informed gathering space for the IC community at a time when many are expressing a need for alternatives to being glued to social media. Furthermore, this space seeks to offer community-driven and organic empathetic relationships, be a "landing space" for students who are looking for outlets for expressing themselves both to others and through artistic expression.

To alleviate acute experiences of isolation at a critical time where many students are in crisis due to the war in Israel & Gaza.
To offer an alternative to social media screen time where students get trapped "doom scrolling".
To build new relationships on campus across the widest possible demographics.
To foster a sense of belonging and visibility as individuals and as a wider community.
To create an intentional space that meets this painful moment with an outlet for expression and community building.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Lauren Goldberg at or 240-401-2590. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.