Student Interview Study: Let’s Talk About Sex: A Qualitative Investigation of Perceived Milestones of Sex and Intimacy

By Amanda Faherty, October 23, 2023

Let's Talk About Sex Recruiting Poster

We are researchers in the Research on Emerging Adults (REAL) Team within the Psychology Department of Ithaca College.  

We are looking for participants between the ages of 18-29-years-old to take part in an in-person interview. To participate, you must be between 18-29 years old living in the United States, and a student at Ithaca College.

This in-person interview should take between forty-five minutes to an hour to complete, and you will be asked to answer your ideas about when certain sexual milestones occur, when your own sexual milestones occurred, your definitions of sex, your own sexual behaviors and attitudes, your own contraception use, and influences on sexual attitudes and behaviors. Demographic information will also be collected.

Participation is voluntary, and you are welcome to decline any questions, or stop the interview at any time. All answers and information will remain fully anonymous. Participant information will be kept anonymized and participant IDs and pseudonyms assigned to your data. If you decline participation, you will not face any consequences.   

You can earn either extra credit from SONA systems for designated psychology classes or get entered into a raffle to win one of two $30 Visa gift cards.

If you would like to participate, please fill out the following interest form to indicate your interest OR if you are pursuing extra credit follow the link to SONA systems to sign up for a study timeslot.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at:   

Izzy Brett

Undergraduate Researcher

Department of Psychology

Ithaca College

Amanda Faherty Ph.D., 

Assistant Professor 

Department of Psychology 

Ithaca College 

(607) 274-3510   

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Amanda Faherty at or (607) 274-3510. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.