Psychology Winter Session Courses!

By Maria Russell, November 30, 2023

General Psychology: PSYC 10300-01: CRN 30007
In this class we will study human behavior in all its forms, from neurons firing in the brain to the actions of a crowd.  We will explore patterns and errors in our thinking and examine the influences that make us who we are. We will also look at the tools psychologists use to study and help people, and the competing theories that influence this work.  

Our goal will be to think about the ways that psychological research can apply to different types of communities and occupations. We will also practice applying psychological research to our own lives, to help us be healthy and productive in these difficult times.

Motivation: PSYC 20200-01: CRN 30006  
Have you ever wondered how to sustain self-motivation when you suffer a setback toward your goals?  How have the concepts of competence and personal causation been linked to motivated behavior? Have you ever considered how to create an environment where full motivation is possible?  In this course, we will address these and many other questions. As your instructor, I have 2 major goals: 1) To provide an opportunity for you to become familiar with the important theories and concepts in the field of motivation, and to help you acquire knowledge and skills as they pertain to the discipline, and 2) To encourage your interest and appreciation of motivation as it relates to your own life. Since this is not a lecture course, but rather a seminar, it will be our job to encourage everyone to actively participate in the discussions. Feedback on assignments will be designed to develop reading, writing, and orating skills.  

Introduction to developmental Psychology: PSYC 10400: CRN 30005
This course will introduce you to the basics of human development covering the entire lifespan. We will examine theories, research, and current trends about how humans develop socially, emotionally, cognitively, and physically. During the semester we will use several resources: the textbook, research articles and reports, professional organizations’ websites, videos, and other resources to navigate the fascinating field of developmental psychology.  As we make our way through the milestones of the life cycle, we will reflect on the recurring themes of development in context (culture, history, family environment), the intricate interaction of nature (genetic/epigenetic inheritance) and nurture (environment), disequilibrium and integration, identity, self-differentiation, and relatedness. We will also examine current relevant topics that pertain to developmental psychology.