FOR STUDENTS - Take this course - Plants, People and Food Production! Winter 24.

By Peter Melcher, December 9, 2023

Amazing Winter Course Offering: Plants, People and Food Production

BIOL 10600 Plants, People and Food Production

Taught by Professor Melcher

The course materials contain focused readings that guide you and amazing documentaries/short videos that show you the roles that Farmers, Corporate Food America, the US Government, and Big Pharma play in the final food products that we eat. 

 Please feel free to shoot me an email (Peter Melcher) if you have questions:

 Click here for information on the Ithaca Winter Session

BIOL 10600 Plants, People and Food Production, Winter 2024 Course offering.

BIOL 10600, Plants, People and Food Production - Winter 2024 Course Offering. Jan 02 to Jan 19. Asynchronous, Online 3-credit course. 

BIOL 10600, Plants, People and Food Production - Winter 2024 Course Offering. Jan 02 to Jan 19. Asynchronous, Online 3-credit course. Work on class materials on your own daiy schedule. Fun and informative materials. Engaging readings and documentaries. Easy to navigate online course format.