Website Changes Coming Soon!

By Sandra Ely, December 14, 2023 Home Page Refresh

What’s Happening? 
As you may know, IC’s Marketing Communications Team has been working to refresh some of the top-level pages on with new content and new design elements that more closely align with our branding guidelines and marketing goals around improving website user experience.  

How Were Decisions Made?
A periodic website refresh is important to ensure the design, layout, and content resonate with our primary audience – prospective students and their supporters. To ensure that connection, we looked to user behavior, website traffic analytics, market research, and competitor analysis to drive decisions around content choices and layout, ensuring high engagement and an optimal user experience. This user-focused approach gave us insight into what content should be highlighted or elevated on targeted pages and helped ensure widespread appeal to the entire IC community.

What Page(s) Are About to Change? 
In just a few days, you'll see changes to the HOME PAGE.

What’s Changing?
You’ll notice improved visual appeal of the page, including a new layout, larger and more captivating imagery, and vibrant design elements that bring color and unity to the page. You’ll also see new topic highlights and revitalized content strategically crafted to forge a stronger connection with our audience.  

When Will the Other Top-Level Pages be Refreshed? 
We’re doing the refresh in phases, with plans to complete the project early 2024.   

What Should You Do? 
All deans and office directors whose website home pages will be affected by the refresh in early 2024 have been notified. If you have questions about these changes, please feel free to contact us. Otherwise, enjoy the refresh! 

How Do You Contact Us? 
Please email us with any questions. 
Sandra Ely - Director, Web + Digital Strategy 
Jennifer King MacKenzie - Director, Marketing Strategy