Faculty Online Workshop: Organize your Course Readings in Canvas - Wed, Jan 17 10 am

By Marilyn Dispensa, January 16, 2024

Organize your course readings in Canvas into a full course bibliography

Image of workshop. Info available in body text

Audience: Faculty using Canvas.

Wednesday, January 17th, 10 am - 11 am.
Format: Online
RSVPs are appreciated in IC Engage

Sharing readings in Canvas as a PDF upload can make the readings difficult to search for, inefficient and less accessible. These PDFs often lack citation information, which can make citing resources confusing to students. 

The Course Readings (Leganto) tool in Canvas lets you organize your readings and model complete citations with just a few clicks. You can share your PDFs and library resources as an organized bibliography, linking to any item from anywhere in Canvas. These reading lists can also be easily rolled over to in future semesters. 

In this workshop, participants will learn how to create a reading list and add citations and other formats to share with your students in Course Readings. Attendees are asked to bring a sample .pdf, citation or reading list to begin experimenting with. 

Facilitated by: Ben Hogben from the Library and instructional designers from Center for Instructional Design & Educational Technology.  

See more more events from the Center for Instructional Design and Educational Technology in IC Engage.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Marilyn Dispensa at mdispensa@ithaca.edu or 607-274-3647. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.