Upcoming AI Workshops for Faculty (1/22, 1/23, 1/24, 1/25)

By Tristan Ross, January 18, 2024

Crafting an AI Policy, Open AI Sandbox, and More

Excited or apprehensive about the rise in recent AI tools, or feeling curious about how you or your students might be incorporating them? The Center for Instructional Design and Educational Technology is hosting events to discuss multiple AI-related topics this semester. This will include the Faculty AI Sandbox, a series of open conversations among faculty about the relationship of AI to teaching and learning, and next week's topic-focused workshops for faculty:

 Crafting an Aligned AI Policy & Course Syllabus Statement
(Monday, January 22 2024 at 11:00 AM -12:00 PM EST in Job 102, the Ed Tech Center)

RSVP on IC Engage: https://ithaca.campuslabs.com/engage/event/9722289
This interactive workshop is designed to guide faculty members through the process of establishing a well-considered AI policy for their courses. Whether the goal is to fully integrate AI tools, set boundaries for selective use, or impose a ban for specific purposes, this workshop provides the necessary frameworks and discussion points to craft a policy that aligns with educational objectives, ethical considerations, and institutional guidelines.

Using AI as a Teaching Resource
(Tuesday, January 23 2024 at 9:25-10:40 AM EST in Job 102, the Ed Tech Center)

RSVP on IC Engage: https://ithaca.campuslabs.com/engage/event/9722566
This workshop is designed to guide educators through the process of creating and developing lesson plans using AI tools. We'll focus on generating innovative lesson plan ideas based on learning objectives and refining them to practical, usable formats. Participants will learn how to leverage AI for efficient lesson planning while considering the educational value and impact of these technologies.

AI: The Student Perspective

(Thursday, January 25 2024 at 2:35 PM-3:50 PM EST Online, at Zoom Link: https://ithaca.zoom.us/j/99069753626?pwd=N3lRSVlJNnhsL0FZVDZLY0RBdkw3Zz…)
RSVP on IC Engage: https://ithaca.campuslabs.com/engage/event/9722816

This session AI will explore how students are currently using AI in education, from personalized learning to AI-assisted research. AI can be an effective tutor and help students understand topics from new and comprehensive angles without necessarily doing their schoolwork. Gain insights into effective strategies for students to integrate AI into coursework or studies.

Faculty AI Sandbox

(Wednesday, January 24th at 11:00AM-4:00AM in Job 102, the Educational Technology Center)

RSVP on IC Engage: https://ithaca.campuslabs.com/engage/event/9722627
This is an exciting opportunity for educators to explore the world of Artificial Intelligence in a fun, unstructured environment. Play with various AI tools, experiment with how they can be integrated into your teaching, and discover new ways to enhance the learning experience. Whether you're an AI expert or just curious about new technologies, this event is perfect for you!

Warm wishes,
The Center for Instructional Design and Educational Technology