Resources and Support Available to Members of the Campus Community

By Michelle Foster, January 22, 2024

Dear Campus Community,

As you may be aware, Ithaca College has been included in a lawsuit recently filed by a student claiming violations of Title IX and other statutes by the college and other individuals. We first want to acknowledge the impact these allegations may have on members of our community and remind you of resources that are available to you, including Ithaca College's Center for Counseling and Psychological Services, which can be reached at any time, including the After Hours On-Call Services, by calling 607-274-3136.

Please know that the safety and well-being of our students, faculty, and staff is the college’s top priority. The Title IX Office and Office of Human Resources work very hard to ensure that all reports of unlawful discrimination, including sexual harassment, as well as violations of the college’s intimate relationship policy, are promptly and thoroughly investigated. Appropriate action is taken based on the findings of an investigation once it is complete.

Reports of any suspected misconduct by a member of the campus community can be made directly to the Title IX Office, the Office of Human Resources, or the Office of Public Safety. Those reports can be made in person or electronically. Details on the college’s Title IX reporting and investigative processes can be found on the Title IX website. Information on the college’s process for investigating reports of discrimination that fall outside the scope of Title IX can be found in the Ithaca College Policy Manual.

The College’s SHARE (Sexual Harassment and Assault Response & Education) website provides comprehensive information on sexual violence awareness and prevention, including resources for faculty and staff and supportive resources and options both on and off campus.

We understand that you may have questions about the claims made in the lawsuit. It is important to note that the college generally does not comment on litigation, nor on confidential personnel matters. We believe that the most appropriate venue to respond to the allegations made in this complaint is through the legal system, and the college will do that at the appropriate time.

Every member of our college community has the right to be treated with respect and dignity, and we will always strive to provide an environment in which you can live, learn, and work free from harassment or discrimination.


La Jerne Terry Cornish

Melanie I. Stein
Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Bonnie Solt Prunty
Vice President for Student Affairs and Campus Life

Kirra Franzese
Associate Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer