Learn Legal and Public Policy Writing for WI Credit

By Anthony DiRenzo, January 25, 2024

Take Writing for the Professions

New York Stock Exchange

New York Stock Exchange

The Department of Writing invites students to enroll in Writing for the Professions (WRTG-31100, CRN 41174) this semester. Designated Writing Intensive (WI) for the Integrated Core Curriculum (ICC), this legal, public policy, and administrative writing course is offered 9:25 AM to 11:05 AM, Tuesday-Thursday, in Smiddy 113.

Writing from the Professions teaches ethics and argumentation within various institutional contexts. It is ideal, therefore, for majors and minors seeking careers in corporate communications; grassroots activism; government and law; investigative journalism and documentary film-making; management and marketing; medical, educational, and nonprofit administration; political and environmental lobbying; public policy and public relations; social work and human services. The course also prepares undergraduates for the rigors of graduate school.

Students produce such specialized documents as policy and mission statements, position papers, dossiers, legal research memos, briefs, and long reports. Bridging the public and private sectors, these assignments teach young professionals how to define issues, propose changes, judge actions, and promote values within their chosen field. Besides tackling case studies from within their own profession, students debate peers from other professions about controversies involving business, government, law, and medicine.

Download a past course syllabus at:

Course prerequisites: One 200-level course in Liberal Arts (LA) and WRTG 10600 or ICSM 10800. These prerequisites allow easy access to students who are not Writing majors and minors. Should you experience problems enrolling online, however, contact Dr. Anthony Di Renzo at direnzo@ithaca.edu.

Writing for the Professions will not be offered again until Spring 2026, so please take advantage of this opportunity.