Nature Rx hosts monthly Frolic: A Walk Outside on January 31st at 3pm

By John Witkiewicz, January 25, 2024

Frolic: A Walk Outside, January 31st at 3pm

Please join us for a community walk outside to explore natural spaces on campus and enjoy the myriad health and wellness benefits of connection with nature.  All are welcome.  Participants should feel free to walk silently, at their own pace, or may choose to engage with others.  All participants are encouraged to unplug ear buds and silence phones.  Please check the weather forecast and dress accordingly.

When: Monthly: Starting January 31st, 2024, 3-4pm

Where: January Location: Hammond Health Main Entrance to Boothroyd Woods Trail (and back)

Please visit ENGAGE to RSVP.

For more information about Ithaca College Nature Rx, please visit:

This poster shares details of the community walk including date, time, and location.  The poster provides descriptions of potential benefits of the walk.  There is a photograph of a path through a forest with a mountain in the background.  There is a link for  There is an email address and phone number provided for those seeking accommodations.  Sponsors are noted.

Sponsored by Ithaca College Nature Rx and the Ithaca College Natural Lands

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact John D. Witkiewicz at or 607.274.3136. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.