Community Math Day! Saturday, Feb 10!

By Jill Ackerman, January 29, 2024

The Ithaca College Mathematics Department welcomes students in grades PreK–5 and their entire families to explore mathematics together through games, puzzles, building blocks, reading, music, art, and more!

Saturday, Feb 10, 10AM-12PM
Williams Hall, 3rd Floor

Many children—and parents too!—associate “math” with
"numbers." Community Math Day puts the focus on exploration, creativity, reasoning, and problem solving. By working together with their caregivers in a family learning environment, children can discover for themselves where math is found in music, art, science, nature, puzzles, and more. Math department faculty, students, and alumni, along with friends from Computer Science, Physics, and Math EngagedÊ will be there to help you explore, play, and learn.

Fun Activities!

Fun Activities!

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Emilie Wiesner at or 607-274-1220. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.